2014-06-21 (Clarinet) Are You In Tune ?

(Clarinet) Are You In Tune ? Sent Saturday, June 21, 2014 View as plaintext

Clarinet Mentors
For clarinetists who want to perform more easily and beautifully
In This Issue                             
June 21, 2014                      
  • A Note From Michelle Anderson - Happy Solstice!
  • Free Training - Are You In Tune? - How you can tune your clarinet, and what notes to watch out for...
  • Michelle Recommends - A Chromatic Tuner - A tool to help you play in tune more often
  • Would You Like To Join Me For A Special Group Masterclass? - New Opportunity: a great way for you to get some one-on-one help, and learn with the support of a small group
  • Clarinet Is Easy - Complete how-to lessons for beginners and self-taught intermediate players
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A Note from Michelle Anderson

Hello  !

I hope you are enjoying your clarinet, and thanks as always, for being a part of my community. I have been hearing from clarinetists all over the world, and I appreciate how many people are playing music for the fun (and challenge) it brings into their lives. I realize that many of us have the same challenges, and my hope is to help you learn to play more easily through the resources here at Clarinet Mentors. I just realized that the online part of Clarinet Mentors is almost exactly two years old. I feel like celebrating, because this modern technology has allowed me to connect with thousands of clarinetists worldwide. Please watch your inbox next week for a very special Clarinet Mentors 2nd Birthday offer that will be coming your way soon!

I have started summer travels a bit early this year with a quick family visit to the interior of BC. This is beautiful, mountainous, and dry wine country. Hot sun, and beautiful terrain. This seems like a good place to enjoy the longest days of the year. 

I hope you are enjoying these long summer days (and to my southern hemisphere friends, your days are about to get longer....), and that your clarinets are making beautiful music.


Free Training - How To Tune A Clarinet
Many people have been asking me lately for the correct way to tune a clarinet. The more experienced players reading this likely already have good systems in place. For those of you who don't, this will be a really helpful video to help you understand the different ways to help your clarinet play more in tune.
You can click on the photo below, or go to this link for today's video:
Are You Ready To Take Your Playing To The Next Level?

When I had been playing clarinet for about a year (and unfortunately, had developed about every bad habit a beginner could have, but was full of enthusiasm), I decided that I wanted to study with the best clarinet teacher in town. He normally didn't teach beginners. He made a special concession to teach four of us if we could share one hour a week. He set it up so that one week, we all came together for an hour. The following week, two of us each received a half hour private lesson, and the next, the other two. It was great! During our group lesson, he would teach us some of the most important clarinet concepts that we all needed to learn. I was always a bit nervous or intimidated to play for him alone, but it was really easy to watch him work with someone else. I learned as much, if not more, by watching him teach others (who had the same challenges as me), because I was not in the hot seat! In fact, one of my favourite teachers from the Aspen School of Music used to encourage us to sit in on other students' clarinet lessons (as long as everyone was comfortable with it) because he knew how much we could learn from this. At least once a summer he would gather all of his students together to play for each other before the big clarinet mock-audition that we all took part in. I learned so much through this process, and I want to offer you a similar opportunity.

I want you to have what I call a "Clarinet Breakthrough". This would be to take one area of your playing that frustrates you, and make clear and noticeable improvement within a few weeks.

I am going to open up two group masterclasses. One will be for people who are fairly new to the instrument (likely playing for less than a year), and the other for more experienced, but still intermediate level players. There will be 10 people in each class, and we will schedule together 5 sessions of approximately 60 - 90 minutes in an online group masterclass. Each participant will benefit from a weekly themed-lesson where I will share some technics that apply to everyone, and I will then work one-on-one with a couple of people each session. To participate, you need to be able to join in via the internet with a web camera and good internet connection. (If you can Skype someone, you can join me.) I realize that more than 20 people may want to take part. Once details and dates are finalized, I will likely start with first-come, first-served, but I hope to expand this in future to allow more people to take part. I want to group people of a similar playing level, and who are able to share enough of a similar time zone that everyone can be available for a consistent weekly time. You can take part even if you miss a live session since I will record our sessions to share within the small group. However, I would like people who are committed to taking part live as much as possible because I want to be available to answer your questions on the spot as they come up. In my experience, the support and encouragement that everyone receives from each other makes this an invaluable learning environment. Much better than trying to go at it alone!

If you are interested, please find out more details here:



Michelle Recommends: A Chromatic Tuner
A tuner is a useful accessory for any musician. A chromatic tuner will allow you to play any pitch, and it will indicate whether you are in tune, a bit low (flat) or a bit high (sharp) in pitch. There are good stand-alone units, such as the one below. There are also many good apps for your electronic devices. Most of my students have a tuner loaded onto their smart phones, and have it with them when they want to check their pitch.
You can get one like this for about $20.
Clarinet Is Easy - Your Step-by-Step Beginner Course - Now Available! (Also enjoyed by many intermediate level players)
How To Solve Your Common Clarinet Frustrations and Play Clarinet More Easily
I firmly believe that if anyone has the "recipe" for how to play clarinet, things are really relatively easy to do. Most of our frustrations come from inadvertently learning bad habits along the way. With that in mind, I have created for you a 10-lesson comprehensive course for beginners (and self-taught intermediate players) that gives you the tools to truly learn the clarinet easily, while avoiding all of the most common frustrations that can plague us. I believe that these lessons can save you hours of grief by giving you the best practise systems that have worked for thousands of clarinetists. The lessons have great content, and are presented in a video format so that you can watch them again and again. If you would like to play with more ease and have a clear understanding of the fundamentals of clarinet playing, you can get more information on the Clarinet Is Easy course here (including some free preview videos):
Click here for the free preview videos to Clarinet Is Easy
If you are curious about this, you can try these lessons with a 100% 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. (That means that you can try a full 5 lessons before you decide if you have received great value from the course.) If it is not the right style for you, you get your tuition refunded, no problem. I invite you to try it now! Many students have received amazing results so far from this course (and you can read their comments on the order page).
About Michelle Anderson
Michelle Anderson, the founder of Clarinet Mentors,  is a professional clarinetist and teacher who currently lives in Vancouver BC. Her professional career spans  30 years and she currently plays regularly with the Vancouver Opera Orchestra, the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the West Coast Chamber Music series. She has performed with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the CBC Vancouver Orchestra, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Touring Orchestra and many other groups. Michelle currently specializes in teaching adults to play clarinet more easily and quickly through online resources, and conducts the Vancouver Clarinet Choir.
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Helping you to find success on your instrument with proven, easy-to-follow systems that are designed to help you sound good, and feel better about your playing.

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